Accounts Chamber’s members have no apparent political ties

J. Ramirez
Santo Domingo.- After more than six months of evaluations and vetting, Congress yesterday elected the five new members of the Accounts Chamber of the Dominican Republic for the 2021-2025 period.
The deputies approved the preselection and the Senate finalized the selection of the members with no apparent political ties.
Janel Andrés Ramírez Sánchez will be the new president of the State overseer, while Elsa María Catano Ramírez will be vice president; Tomasina Tolentino de Mckenzie, secretary, and Mario Arturo Fernández Burgos and Elsa María Peña, members.
Senate Special Commission president, Antonio Taveras Guzmán, affirmed that an Accounts Chamber was chosen that responds to the principles and norms that govern its functions and not to political-party interests or corporate groups.