Local April 30, 2021 | 1:41 pm

Measures against the sale of adulterated alcohol praised

Santo Domingo, DR

The president of the Dominican Republic Industries Association (AIRD), Celso Juan Marranzini, considered the measures adopted by the Government to stop clandestine businesses from continuing with the manufacture and sale of adulterated alcoholic beverages “correct and forceful.”

The businessman indicated that the measures to control the importation of elements that degrade alcohol, such as methanol, trace the distribution chain, and control and monitor clandestine businesses and industries are forceful.

He considered necessary the fight against this crime and this crime because it affects health and formal industries that pay their taxes and create jobs, in addition to affecting the image of the country.

 The key is to continue seizing those stills and bringing the guilty to justice … 
Celso Juan Marranzini. President of AIRD.

Interviewed after the George Arzeno Brugal Industry Award delivery, he stressed that there has been good coordination from the table formed by the Government and that they have been very forceful with the issues of traceability and persecution of clandestine distillers and businesses.

Marranzini pointed out that it is essential to follow up and to reach the culprits so that this crime and that crime is fought constantly.

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