Health May 30, 2021 | 12:00 pm

Curfew proposed only for those who have not been vaccinated

  • In addition, they ask that those who have complied with being vaccinated not be restricted from free movement and commercial activities.

Should the curfew apply only to those who have not been vaccinated? The proposal comes from former congressman José LaLuz, who proposed this Friday that the restriction measures should be applied to those who refuse the vaccine.

According to the deputy, squares, supermarkets, stores, hotels, and restaurants should remain open without limits for vaccinated people.

The politician posted on Twitter that “the curfew should only apply to those who are not yet vaccinated, those who are already vaccinated should not have meeting or mobility restrictions. Also squares, supermarkets, stores, hotels and restaurants should remain open without limits for vaccinated people.”

The proposal of LaLuz comes after the Executive Power decided to strengthen the curfew in Greater Santo Domingo due to a resurgence of COVID-19, which has saturated the beds of intensive care units in the center of the city.

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