Local June 17, 2021 | 2:07 pm

Solid waste tax to be paid starting in July

The payment of the tax varies between 500 and 260,000 pesos.

Santo Domingo, DR

The General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) informed taxpayers yesterday that from next month the payment of the contribution for the management and co-processing of Solid Waste (CRS) established in Law 225-20 will begin.

This law establishes in its article 36 that “every legal person, public or private institution, whether they have operations or not, domiciled in the national territory must pay a mandatory special tax based on their income, regardless of whether they receive benefits or not.”

The DGII states that the Company Income Tax (IR-2) must be filed in July, with a closing date of March 31 last.

Payments must be made according to the following income scale: from 0 to one million pesos, a contribution of RD $ 500 will be made, and from one million one peso to eight million pesos, it will be RD $ 1,500.

In addition, whoever has an income of eight million pesos to RD $ 20 million, will pay RD $ 5,000; while from 20 million a peso to RD $ 50 million, it will contribute RD $ 30,000, and from RD $ 50 million a peso to RD $ 100 million will have to contribute RD $ 90,000. Those with incomes higher than 100 million will pay RD $ 260,000.

The resources obtained will be deposited into a trust to properly manage the collection, disposal, and solid waste treatment.

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