Attorney General’s Office was used to embezzle money

J.A. Rodriguez,
Santo Domingo.- The filing to request pretrial detention for ex-attorney general Jean Alain Rodríguez indicates that the accused used the Attorney General’s Office to distract large sums of money and conspired to commit felonies, “transgressing the essential purpose of the Public Ministry, which is to pursue and implement the policy against crime.”
Among the listed damages that the Justice Ministry attributes to Rodríguez and his collaborators to the State is the elimination of the organization’s main sources of information with the aim of destroying evidence of the acts committed, “which has resulted in irreparable losses of information in areas such as Extraditions, Seized Assets and Criminal Records.”
“It also the created companies through front men to sell to the Attorney General’s Office in violation of the Procurement and Contracting Law and the Money Laundering Law.”