Local July 10, 2021 | 7:06 am

The President highlights the harmony between the Dominican Republic and the US

The ship conducts USS Billings of the United States Navy through Caribbean waters. PRESIDENCY

Santo Domingo, DR

President Luis Abinader assured yesterday that there are excellent relations between the Dominican Republic and the United States. The best example is mutual cooperation, strengthened by the actions they undertake in favor of the development of both peoples.

The president stressed that both nations are working in a firm commitment to strengthening democratic systems in the region.

Abinader addressed the issue when delivering a speech on the US Navy ship USS Billings, visiting the country as part of the celebration of the 245th anniversary of the Independence of that nation.


He also said that the excellent harmony between the two administrations is found in the concept of security, a common element to which they pay the greatest attention.

He argued that the fight against drug trafficking and regional maritime security are essential aspects of understanding that collaboration at the highest level is necessary.

“For this reason, I want to salute the efforts made in Caribbean waters by this USS Billings of the United States Navy, captained by Rear Admiral Donald D. Grabrielson, of the US Fourth Naval Fleet,” he said.

The governor reported that this ship arrived in the country to facilitate missions against drug trafficking threats, both in deep waters and on the coast, thus displaying its great response capacity and high technology in the persecution of organized crime.

Good disposition
Abinader thanked Robert Thomas, Charge d’Affaires of the United States Embassy, ​​whom he said has always shown his good disposition to maintain excellent bilateral relations on behalf of his Government.

He also appreciated the support of the United States in such important and necessary reform processes in the Dominican Republic, such as the modernization of the National Police.

“And it is precisely in that alliance where we find the will of the Government of the United States of America to support us in this fight against organized crime and mafias, whose actions affect all countries of the world,” said Abinader.

The President of the Republic assured that it is essential that the country is safe and that citizens feel it for his administration.

He also highlighted the effort so that those who visit the Dominican Republic see a country in which they can enjoy without worries.

Abinader estimated that the growth, development, and democratic consolidation of the peoples respond to the greatness with which their men and women defend their ideas, fight to achieve their aspirations, and exercise power with justice and equality.

Noble concept
“As president of the Dominican Republic, a nation that was forged thanks to the courage and determination of men and women who understood the noble concept of Freedom as the highest degree to achieve the happiness, development and prosperity of their People, I am honored to share with you today the celebrations for the 245th anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America,” he said.

He said he was incredibly proud that both nations defend the same values ​​of justice, equality, and sovereignty that inspired the independence process of the American people.

“Today we celebrate the freedom that caught on across the continent in 1776; the one that took root and gave rise to the rights of men and women all over the world,” highlighted the president.

Abinader declared that July 4, 1776 is a date marked as one of the most relevant moments in universal history. The charter was definitively approved, wherein the peoples of North America laid the foundations of democracy in this hemisphere.

Abinader expressed that with this libertarian event, they celebrate that search for happiness referred to in the United States’ founding charter and hope and the future.

The United States proclaimed its independence on July 4, 1776, which also marked the Declaration that declared its separation from the British Empire.

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