326 new cases and two deaths from Covid-19 reported

In the particular epidemiological bulletin number 504, the Ministry of Public Health reported 326 new cases and two deaths from Covid-19.
In the last 24 hours, 5,136 samples have been processed, of which 2,843 correspond to the “Polymerase Chain Reaction” (PCR) and 2,293 antigenic.
Daily positivity stands at 9.61 percent and that of the last four weeks at 8.46, with 14,362 active cases to date, 343,512 recorded, 325,177 patients recovered, and 1,512,009 suspected cases ruled out.
The number of deaths is 3,973, with a case fatality rate of 1.16 percent.
Hospital Occupancy
There are currently 546 hospitalized, occupying 21% of the 2,629 destined for COVID-19.
In Intensive Care Units (ICU), there are 169 patients, for 27% of the 620 beds in the system.
While 110 affected are on ventilators, equivalent to 21% of the 520 in the country for the disease.