Local August 10, 2021 | 3:32 pm

Robert Reid Hospital registers an increase in dengue cases

Santo Domingo, DR

The director of the Robert Reid Cabral children’s hospital, Dr. Clemente Terrero, reported that dengue has reoffended in the country and records seven cases in children who remain in the medical center.

“Dengue is on the rise again right now in the hospital,” Dr. Terrero said.

He explained that Covid cases in children had had a noticeable drop while stating that only two virus cases are reported. One of these was medically discharged yesterday morning.

“Amanec went off the hospital today, we only have two cases of children who are completely stable,” Terrero said.

However, the doctor indicated that they have all the hospital wards full of parents who go on dates with their children.

He added that cases might overflow due to the de-escalation in the curfew. “At the private level we have also been receiving patients; that is to say that it is possible that things are heating up in relation to this disease in the last few days,” he added. However, he said de-escalation is valued as effective as long as people maintain covid virus prevention measures.

“They have to encourage us because we are not going to spend every day under curfew, but always maintaining the basic measures,” the specialist said.

He then called on all those who have not yet been inoculated to attend their nearest vaccination center voluntarily.

“We have the risk of a resurgence, so we can prevent that if we get vaccinated because the country has enough vaccines,” he said.

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