Health August 11, 2021 | 4:23 pm

Government invests more than RD$30 billion in vaccines

The Minister of Economic, Planning, and Development, Miguel Ceara Hatton, affirmed that the Government had invested more than 30 billion pesos le to offer mass vaccination to the population of all ages. He said that vaccines were acquired to inoculate 10 million people with both doses and the third booster.

He said that there are still countries where vaccination has been slow, or now they are starting to vaccinate older adults in the region. “Here we have vaccinated a wide and varied part of the population,” he said.

He emphasized that the debt incurred by the Government is to face the pandemic, which has cost close to 200 billion additional and unforeseen pesos.

He expressed that the expansion of public spending is a product of the health crisis, for which reason the loans have not been taken in times of bonanza as was the case before 2020.

In evaluating the first year of the government of President Luis Abinader, he highlighted that the Dominican Republic came out of the economic paralysis of 2020, and now the institutional and productive apparatuses show advances and hopeful figures.

He expressed that a sample of the challenges overcome is that the educational system starts next September with the on-site modality.

He commented that the economy fell to 6 % during the difficult months of the pandemic in 2020, while in the United States and the countries of the European Union, their economies decreased by 5 %.
In another order, he informed that the situation of chicken meat is a circumstantial situation produced by the swine fever that affects the economy of the small producers.

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