Health August 26, 2021 | 3:44 pm

Senate Approves Extension of 45-Day State of Emergency

The Senate of the Republic approved the resolution that extended the state of emergency for another 45 days, which will take effect from next August 27, when the current period expires.

President Luis Abinader requested the National Congress, via the Chamber of Deputies, under article 28 of Law No. 21-18, on the Regulation of States of Exception.

“Thanks to the curfew and the other social distancing measures adopted during the state of emergency, it has been possible to exercise control over the disease, so it is necessary to maintain and modulate them, while ensuring a gradual and safe economic reopening,” Abinader explained.

He added that “in fact, these are the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and other specialized agencies.”

It is recalled that this Wednesday, the Permanent Commission on Public Health of the Senate of the Republic, chaired by Senator Lía Díaz Santana (Azua), held a meeting where it agreed to render a favorable report to the resolution that extends the state of emergency.

“The Health Commission was meeting today almost in its entirety. Of 9 members, 8 were present; the resolution from the Chamber of Deputies was put to the vote, and with 6 of 8 senators with the right to vote, it was approved to render this favorable report,” said Díaz Santana.

Before making this decision, the Senate Health Committee received a visit from the Minister of Public Health, Daniel Rivera, to study the resolution.

“The minister came with technical data on how the coronavirus pandemic is in the country, as well as the curve of infections about the start of the 2021-2022 school year in person and that is precisely one of the reasons for extending the state of emergency.”

“In October a resurgence is expected, due to the number of people who will be mobilizing including our children and adolescents who return to the classrooms,” said the representative of the province of Azua.

While speaking before the senators present, the Minister of Public Health, Daniel Rivera, spoke of the importance of this new extension being approved after pointing out that 13 provinces are still lagging around vaccination against covid-19.

The Dominican Republic has been under a state of national emergency for 372 days since March 19, 2020, when Danilo Medina, acting president, issued decree 134-20 to combat the coronavirus and prevent mass contagion.

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