Health September 4, 2021 | 10:04 am

Covid cases rise to 411 and positivity 10.2%

For 43 days, the Dominican Republic had not reached 400 infections in a day.

Santo Domingo, DR


The coronavirus cases present an increase in the first three days of September when 1,027 infections have accumulated, with 411 notified yesterday Friday. However, only one death has been reported this month.

It had been 43 days since the Dominican Republic had reached 400 infections in one day, according to the daily statistics provided by the Ministry of Public Health through its epidemiological bulletins.

On July 22nd, 400 positive cases were reported out of 5,624 samples tested.

Yesterday, in bulletin #491 and yesterday in bulletin #533, almost a month and a half later, this barrier was surpassed again with 411 positives out of 5,678 samples processed, placing the daily positivity at 10.20%.

In August, the number of positive samples dropped.
In August, there was a notable drop in the number of cases detected, with 7,808 reported infections and 45 deaths during the month. However, deaths increased from 3,963 to 4,008. In September, only one death was reported.

In August, only 130 cases were registered, and as an example, we cite the 15th, which processed 14,706 and only yielded 283 cases, with a positivity of 2.78%.

Similarly, on the 8th, out of 4,050 samples, 130 were positive, and the daily positivity was 3.48%.

Major infections
Of the 411 cases of Covid reported on Friday by Public Health, 133 were detected in Santiago, 61 in Santo Domingo province, 42 in the National District, 37 in La Vega, and 20 in Espaillat.

To date, the Dominican Republic has 351,200 registered cases, of which 5,169 are currently active.

Hospitalized patients
Public Health reported that there are 429 Covid patients hospitalized for 16% of the occupied beds, with an upward trend; with 140 delicate patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU), which represents 23% of the beds in use and 87 people connected to ventilators, which represents 17% of the devices available to the health system.

Risk groups
The risk groups continue to be people with comorbidities such as arterial hypertension, which accounted for 25.29% of the deaths, and diabetes, which accounted for 15.79%.

Similarly, the number of pregnant women affected by the coronavirus to date is 1,228, health workers 1,409, and children under 20 years of age 38,050.

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