Local September 14, 2021 | 11:48 am

Operation Falcon: two more arrests total 23

Santo Domingo.- The Justice Ministry requested Tuesday pretrial detention against two other people linked to the money laundering and drug trafficking network that was dismantled last week through Operation Falcon.

The prosecution wants 18 months in prison for Andrés Guzmán Collado and Amadeo Garibaldy Read Ruiz, who were arrested over the weekend.

As for the other 21 defendants, the Justice Ministry asks that the case be declared complex.

The measures against Guzmán Collado and Read Ruiz will be decided Friday at 10am along with the rest of the accused.

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adalgisa reyes
September 22, 2021 8:11 am

I know Amadeo Read 21 years ago, Amadeo is innocent of every charge, hes only fault is work and give his life to Texaco and the new company owner 26 years of dedicated work and many awards for been the most serious and responsible man I ever meet, this is an injustice, free Amadeo.