Local September 15, 2021 | 4:05 pm

Ministry of Education to distribute thousands of Bibles in schools next school year

  • Roberto Fulcar announced the launch of the National Plan for the Promotion of Books and Reading.


The Minister of Education, Roberto Fulcar, announced today that they would distribute thousands of Bibles in schools in the Dominican Republic for the next school year.

The official announced within the framework of the launch of the National Plan for the Promotion of Books and Reading, organized by the Ministry of Education.

“We are going to distribute thousands and thousands of Bibles, because we want reading in its broadest sense, because we want reading as an exercise of freedom, as a free exercise, as an exercise in love and as an exercise in self-confidence. Let no one tell us that this or that book should not be read,” Fulcar said in making the announcement.

“We have to help people understand that we must empower and that we must build a spirit of free construction of ideas and thoughts,” he added.

During the Plan launch at the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National Library, the minister added that reading builds generations of free, transformative, and tolerant men and women.

The National Plan for the Promotion of Books and Reading includes holding festivals, exchanging books by national and foreign authors, and reading days in schools, among other activities to be developed during the next school year.

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felix the cat
September 15, 2021 4:11 pm

Slowly the american Taliban advances into the education sistems of US satalites countries. Since the astronomic grow of US financed evengelical churches in the country, we can see how slowly US social issues get transplanted into dominican society. Now bibles in schools is the next culture war they want to wage. Talks about racism, abortion, gay rights, conspiracy theories, vaccine hesitancy were rare in this country, now they loom in the polical conversation. And do not blame the internet for it, this is a concerted effort in the making for a long time. is just a cuestion of time that the dominican society starts to get fragmented into social clans just like the US. The catholic church has had ample time and influence to take overthe Dominican education sytem but somewhow the secular forces have beem able to keep it at bay. but this time is different, the level of fanatism of evangelicals have overun the timid secular forces. This imported social cancer in destroying the US and will eventually destroy us.

Last edited 2 years ago by felix the cat
alfredo hidalgo
September 15, 2021 4:39 pm

Books about biology, physics, mathematics,world lit, the arts, geography etc is what is needed…

September 15, 2021 11:31 pm

This makes me angry…and sad. I saw this coming long ago. I shouted for years to beware and no one listened; “American Black man, mind your own business!”, is what I was told. But that’s the point…who would know better than the American Black man? And Now this. If you don’t change this now, and I mean NOW, I guarantee that within the next 10 years, crime, illiteracy, mental illness, corruption, disease and poverty will skyrocket.

Paul Tierney
September 16, 2021 10:58 am

Now for the rest of the story, ….thousands of bibles will be distributed in the schools along with books of universal literature through the “Domincana Lee” program. So, it is not just bibles. At least there is some diversity of reading material offered to the students other than just the good book.

It seems off balance these “Domincana Lee” books are offered free, glad they are; while at the same time students parents and care givers are stressed to purchase new and acceptable used text books beginning at DOP $700. The students in poor communities are usually left to learn with deteriorating and outdated hand-me-downs.

There is opportunity for people with resources to donate text books to students.