Local September 25, 2021 | 11:14 am

Showers today due to low pressure, wave tomorrow

Locally moderate showers, thundershowers, and occasional wind gusts towards the northwest, north, southwest, the border, and the Central Mountain Range. From the National Meteorological Office (ONAMET), this forecast for today also states that there will be scattered clouds in the morning with increases in the afternoon.

The rains are caused by a low-pressure trough and the local effects of daily and orographic heating.

Tomorrow’s showers will be brought by the approach of a tropical wave in the afternoon. They will have the same characteristics and affect the northeast, east, Caribbean coast, and the Central Mountain Range.

The agency keeps a watch on Hurricane Sam and reports that yesterday Storm Teresa emerged 245 kilometers north of Bermuda, with no danger to the country.

Onamet also maintains a watch on a non-tropical low-pressure area remnant of Odette, 900 kilometers from the Azores.

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