Health October 18, 2021 | 3:59 pm

Requirement of Covid vaccination card is considered abusive

Abuse of authority

Santo Domingo, DR

Presenting the coronavirus vaccine certification to access public transportation and some establishments in the country this Monday has been cataloged by citizens as an “abusive and very strict measure that infringes on rights and freedom.”

Although some people differ from the restrictive measure and consider it acceptable, they do not rule out its incompatibility with human rights and freedoms in the name of increasing immunizations since “it is implied that it is an obligation” to get the vaccine against the disease.

“I feel it is absolutely wrong because there are people who do not want to be vaccinated and now, as they say, it is obligatory,” said Francis, who went yesterday to apply her first dose “by coercion” after the company where she works demanded that its employees show the vaccination card starting today.

Meanwhile, Anyela Frías expressed categorically disagreed with the disposition because people with health problems can not tolerate the vaccine, as is her case.

Frías told Listin Diario that she had not been vaccinated because she was pregnant and because she was experiencing a risky pregnancy, her doctor recommended her not to get it; however, a few days before giving birth, she was forced to get her first dose yesterday because of the announced restrictions.

She stressed that the measure “is very strict and an infringement of personal rights” and that there are other women in the same or worse situation than her who cannot be forced to be inoculated for some reason.

Jaqueline Mejía also had not been vaccinated due to health complications that persist, but due to work and transportation issues, she had to get the vaccine “hoping to God it will not harm her.”


If the vaccinated are mostly protected and everyone; vaccinated and unvaccinated because the vaccinated can still spread as well as contract Covid, still has to wear masks, distance, and wash their hands as usual, why should the unvaccinated present a danger? It starts here with this rule today; where does it end? The vaccine loses effect after a few months. How many rounds are going to be needed? Future rounds may require the citizens to pay for the immunization either directly or through taxes. Where does it stop, when does it end?” If this was a pandemic of something like the Marburg virus where survival was unlikely, and a vaccine worked effectively against it; people wouldn’t need coercing; common sense would drive the vast majority to vaccination centers. So when the government has to force the public to comply by denying personal rights and freedoms, something is not right.

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John Doe
October 18, 2021 4:09 pm

People should RIOT IN THE STREETS. This is a massive abuse of power and should not be allowed anywhere on the planet.

bernie sierr
October 19, 2021 10:19 am
Reply to  John Doe

I totally agree with your statement. This is an infraction against the people will.

La Trinitaria 2.0
October 18, 2021 5:52 pm

Dominicans need to rise up. ABUSIVE!

miro jereb
October 18, 2021 6:43 pm

Theres allways some smartasses who would opose ANYTHING. Let the stay at home…this way we are safer and not their hostages.

Johnny Doe
October 18, 2021 10:00 pm
Reply to  miro jereb

People who haven’t or don’t want to receive the vaccine now can’t buy groceries or go into a bank? Now they can’t even work? You are as stupid as they come if you think this type of tyranny is necessary to defeat the COMMON COLD. And before you respond. Go look up what the medical definition of Corona Virus is, and you will find it listed as just that. This will never end until good people say enough is enough. I have my card and I’M not ok with having to show it to buy groceries!!!!!

October 18, 2021 7:03 pm


If anything they are a gubmint propaganda arm.

October 18, 2021 10:02 pm

They are not reporting all the side effects of this so called vaccine. Please research in un-censored real information. Read the Spartacus Letter. Contains lots of info that makes you wonder what the real agenda is. I will not comply in taking the mark of the beast. Still under EUA, not approved by FDA.

October 20, 2021 10:32 am
Reply to  Mary

The Sparticus Letter is an excellent source for an excellent analysis of the organic chemical/pharmacological reactions to both the virus and the vaxxxes.

October 20, 2021 7:00 am

In many other countries denying access to food is considered a war crime . To deny access to our money and grocery stores is absolutely appalling . I’m floored it’s been allowed to go this far .