Local October 19, 2021 | 10:08 am

Electoral Board lists strict rules for politicking

Santo Domingo.- After a weekend overwhelmed by political activism in different parts of the country, the Central Electoral Board (JCE) yesterday regulated the stage prior to the pre-campaign with a resolution which establishes controls for the proselytizing of the parties and the use of social networks.

In accordance with Law 33-18 on Political Parties, organizations should start their internal proselytizing activities in July 2023, which led the JCE to issue a regulation of the previous time with the intention of supervising and applying the sanctions for non-compliance.

Consequently, resolution 28/2021 provides that during the period prior to the pre-campaign, candidates for pre-candidacies may hold meetings within the premises of their parties, in closed places and restricted areas where free movement is not hindered or interrupt the activities that citizens habitually carry out.

The placement of billboards, posters or cross-streets in which the candidate for pre-candidacy or the position to which it is intended to aspire can be verified, except to be placed inside the party premises, and are not visible to the outside, will be prohibited

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