Local November 2, 2021 | 1:36 pm

Minister of Health says no restriction or closure

Santo Domingo, DR

The health authorities maintain active and strict surveillance of the current behavior of Covid-19 in the country that is increasing cases, and are making the necessary adjustments to maintain epidemiological control, the Minister of Public Health said yesterday.

Dr. Daniel Rivera said, however, that the levels of incidence and active cases of the virus, which are between five and six thousand, that the country has, are not indicators that merit epidemiological closures or mobility restrictions as some sectors have been suggesting.

He recalled that the country had times when active cases remained above 50,000, but that the surveillance that is carried out indicates that the increased hospitalization is that of intensive care of unvaccinated people who are arriving late to health services in complicated conditions.

He asked people who feel symptoms of the virus to go immediately to the emergency reception of health facilities, where they will be evaluated. If it is confirmed that they have the virus, they can be treated with the drug Regen-Cov, which guarantees a recovery rate of 93% and removes fever and clinical picture in 24 hours.

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bernie sierr
November 2, 2021 2:46 pm

Explain the last parragraph.

John D. Conor
November 2, 2021 3:12 pm
Reply to  bernie sierr

Lolll that means the vax is a bull crap 😂😂😂

Johnny Doe
November 3, 2021 7:40 am

At least they’re saying they’re not locking down again. That’s a good sign.