Local November 3, 2021 | 2:16 pm

5.3 million adults have already been inoculated

Santo Domingo, DR

To date, the country has an adult population of more than five million three hundred thousand people vaccinated with the second dose of the Covid-19 virus vaccine. At the same time, 20 provinces remained without reaching 60% of your target population with full schema at the end of October.

With the first dose, 76% of the population over 18 years of age has been vaccinated. With the 32 provinces of the country, over 60% of its adult population has started the inoculation process.

The Dominican Republic began immunizing the population in February of this year, and it is estimated that it requires vaccinating 7.5 million adults with two doses.

The country has also applied vaccination against the virus to the population between 12 and 17 years of age for months. TIn addition, the possibility of vaccinating children from the age of five is under discussion.

Until October 31, the preliminary figures of the Vaccination Report against Covid-19 in a population older than or equal to 18 years of age of the National Vaccination Program (VacunateRD) records that there are still three demarcations that have reached the goal of 70% of its population vaccinated with two doses, such as La Altagracia, the National District, and Pedernales.

13 million doses
Until November 1, the system registers 13,305,958 doses of vaccines applied since last February to date.

Of the total doses applied, 6,740,194 correspond to the first dose and 5,336,379 to the second dose or complete scheme. Thus, in the third or the booster dose against the coronavirus, a total of 1,229,385 vaccinated people are registered in the country.

The Ministry of Public Health called on the entire population to complete their vaccination schedule, mainly pregnant women from the second trimester, to protect themselves and their babies.

The National Health Service (SNS) explained that the network of Covid-19 hospital centers has a very efficient referral system, which allows the transfer of patients according to their condition and the availability of space, making it easier for them to complete the treatment in the corresponding units.

He explains that there will always be centers with higher occupancy than others due to their location and the number of inhabitants to whom coverage must be provided and that when these establishments approach medium and high occupancy levels, a containment plan is activated, which includes the increase in beds and referral of patients to hospitals with greater availability within the network.

Yesterday 7,640 samples of ‘Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and 1,697 antigen tests were processed.

In the country, 2,227,882 laboratory samples have been processed since the pandemic began, equivalent to 213,225 per million people.

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