Local November 4, 2021 | 12:21 pm

US choppers on Dominican soil herald start of American humanitarian mission in Haiti?

Santo Domingo.- This Thursday the Ministry of Defense clarifies that the five US helicopters that landed in Puerto Plata province had prior authorization. “They carried out a technical refueling stop and crew rest.”

According to the institution, they were parked for the number of flight hours they had been carrying and that is a routine procedure when traveling long distances.

He adds that the helicopters took off this Thursday morning and will continue their scheduled route.

The helicopters caused a stir on social networks, due to the political crisis in Haiti, aggravated by the kidnapping of 17 American missionaries.

The operation is likely the start of a US humanitarian mission in Haiti.

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Alberto martinez
November 4, 2021 12:50 pm

Es tiempo ya que entre el Ejercito RD y los Americanos y nos devuelvan Hincha y los americanos se queden con la parte sur, de haiti, hace tiempo nos hubieran invadido los haitianos si fueran ellos los que tuvieran bienestar, debemos nosotros adelantarnos al tiempo e invadir las tierras que hoy no son de nadie porque Haiti no es un Pais

Johnny Doe
November 4, 2021 2:07 pm

Choppers? DT editor…Do you know what they look like? They’re definitely not a fucking airplane. And excuse the bad language. I figured it would auto block my message so you have to read it. Don’t be so damned lazy. If you do an article about choppers put helicopters in the picture!!!!! Just sayin!

Paul Tierney
November 5, 2021 6:57 am
Reply to  Johnny Doe

I repeat what has been said before. Most of these DT articles are translated to English reprints that come from the Spanish language media of the country. It includes the images. A good deal of the time the images are file photos.

That said, the image in the article would have been better if it showed helicopters.

Dr finest
November 4, 2021 3:00 pm

You are the worst editor ever bro

Paul Tierney
November 5, 2021 7:57 am

This US military presence for may have been planned a good while back. Is it a coincidence it is happening now when there are Americans held captive by a gang in Haiti? Is it a show of force under the cloak of humanitarian aid?

“Speak softly and carry a big stick”.

felix the cat
November 5, 2021 9:23 am

This si the thing, this is all a lie. Those helicopters have a range of less than 200 miles. No way they were in route to anywhere. they most likely took off from an aicraft carrier somewheere in the near atlantic.

Paul Tierney
November 5, 2021 12:14 pm
Reply to  felix the cat

The most recent explanation is the helicopters were coming from the Bahamas to Puerto Rico. They stopped over in Puerto Plata to refuel.

Source: Listin Diario