Health November 11, 2021 | 3:42 pm

Hospitalizations and positivity for the coronavirus rise

The National District was yesterday the territory with the highest number of new infections, reaching 421 cases.

Santo Domingo, DR

The daily positivity of the processed samples of Covid-19 continues to show an increase in the country, with 1,046 new cases of infections being diagnosed yesterday and hospitalizations in regular beds, which went from 668 to 676 patients in the last 24 hours.

However, the Ministry of Public Health affirms that positive virus cases have decreased in different provinces. It is the National District that currently maintains the highest registry of new infections.

The daily positivity was placed yesterday at 14.83% and the accumulated one for the last four weeks at 11.62%.

The system reported three new deaths from Covid-19 yesterday, raising the deaths to 4,157.

Epidemiological report number 601 of the General Directorate of Epidemiology indicates that in the last 24 hours, 12,122 laboratory samples were processed, of which 1,046 were new positive cases.

Most active sources
The highest number of positive cases were identified in the National District with 421 cases and the provinces of Santo Domingo with 202; Santiago with 93; La Altagracia with 58; La Vega with 48 and San Pedro de Macorís with 40.

To date, the country maintains a registry of 4,046 active cases of the 391,104 registered accumulated since the pandemic began and 382,901 recovered patients.

42,013 positive cases have been identified within the risk groups in children under 20 years of age; 1,469 in pregnant women and 1,614 in health workers.

The fatality due to Covid-19 in the country is 1.06 percent, and the mortality per million inhabitants is 397.86.

Ventilator occupancy is at 33%
The use of ventilators by patients with Covid-19 disease remained yesterday at 33% in the Covid hospital network, with 157 patients under assisted respiration.

676 patients admitted to regular beds were registered yesterday for an occupation of 30 percent. In comparison, in Intensive Care Units (ICU), there were 243 patients hospitalized for an occupation of 42 percent of the beds enabled for patients in critical conditions.

Plateau phase
In a press conference held yesterday, the authorities of the Ministry of Public Health assured that several provinces in the country, among which they mentioned Monte Cristi, Pedernales, Peravia, and Espaillat, have decreased the cases and the number of samples taken to detect COVID-19, while the National District is the demarcation with the highest cases.

Dr. Ronald Skewes, the Director-General of Epidemiology, said that the country maintains a slight incidence concerning other nations, “there is a very slight increase in cases.” While the positivity of the last four weeks shows a decrease and stands at 11.66%”, he said.

“We are probably entering a plateau phase, that is, cases are stabilizing, the next step would be to start a reduction,” added Skewes.

He also highlighted the efforts made by Health authorities in recent weeks to increase the number of samples. “You can see a number that speaks to the highest values ​​with 44,276 samples processed.”

More beds in Santiago
The Santiago Metropolitan Hospital left new service areas in operation in one of its buildings yesterday, with the number of 113 beds mainly destined to meet the demands of care from patients affected by Covid-19. Santiago is one of the provinces that currently registers the most Covid positive cases.

500,000 doses to achieve the goal

Regarding the national vaccination program against Covid-19 in the adult population, the Minister of Health, Dr. Daniel Rivera, said that it only remains to apply a little more than 500,000 doses to reach the goal of 70 % of the population vaccinated with two doses.

He reported that 76.07% of those over 18 years of age have received the first dose and 62.07% the second dose.

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John D. Conor
November 11, 2021 7:06 pm

Fake news & statistic lies for dumbies…

November 11, 2021 8:20 pm

Extremely odd that the more vaccinated the more covid cases…yes lies or the vaccinated ones are contaminating more…lol

November 12, 2021 12:10 pm

Do NOT play Fauci Roulette…

November 12, 2021 1:19 pm

Covid cases explode in Vermont, the most vaxxxed state in the US.

We are now seeing that the more an area is vaxxxed, the more covid cases are found.

This is not a coincidence.
I just read a youngish US cardiologist who was known for his snark against the unwashed unvaxxxed died in his sleep two weeks after his latest “booster” clotshot.

Also not a coincidence.

Maybe the most effective way to reduce the DR population is mass “vaccinations.”

My niece, a medical assistant for 15 years for a large Myrtle Beach OB/GYN group, says they have NEVER had the number of miscarriages and uncontrolled hemorrhaging …in vaxxxed patients. But the group is reluctant to say anything for fear of financial pushback from insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid authorities.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cobraboy