Local November 12, 2021 | 9:55 am

State unseals indictment in Brazilian planes scandal

R. Peña A., center

Santo Domingo.- The Justice Ministry began with the presentation of the accusation those  charged with taking bribes for US$3.5 million paid by Brazilian plane maker Embraer, to supply eight Super Tucano airplanes.

Yesterday the prosecutors began before the judges of the Third Collegiate Court of the National District who are hearing the trial of the former Minister of Defense, retired Major General Pedro Rafael Peña Antonio; the former director of special projects of the Dominican Air Force (FAD), Colonel Carlos Piccini Núñez, and businessman Daniel Aquino Hernández, implicated in the corruption case.

The defendants for committing the irregularity used the companies 4D Business Group, S. A. (today 4D Business Group, S.R.L.), as well as the company Magycorp, S. A. (today Magicorp, S.R.L), which are part of the file.

The group is accused of bribery, money laundering and illicit enrichment.

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Paul Tierney
November 12, 2021 10:06 am

This is another fallout of institutionalized corruption in this country. There are so many scandals being investigated at this time one has to wonder does the Justice Ministry have enough resources available to do it well?

Johnny Doe
November 14, 2021 8:16 am

Nothing will stop corruption in the D.R. – Wages are too low in every sector when compared to the rest of the modern world. So there will always be the ability to bribe people. Until there is a much higher pay scale expect this to continue indefinitely!