Local December 8, 2021 | 4:09 pm

Abinader: “You don’t plan to fail, you fail by not planning”

Photo: JA Maldonado / LD

Santo Domingo, DR

The President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, highlighted this Wednesday that the first change he established was to ensure a neat use of public resources. However, that is only achieved if everyone does their job and in a system that provides follow-up to what is planned.

Consequently, within the framework of celebrating the “National Meeting of Planning and Public Management in the Government of Change.” Abinader requested the Ministry of Economy, Planning, and Development (MEPYD) to be in charge of monitoring “closer and more systematic” to the execution of government priorities.

Likewise, he demanded that they keep him constantly informed of the progress and coordinate with DIGEPRES, the MAP, Public Procurement, and the Comptroller’s Office so that the execution of the state emergencies is accelerated.

The Head of State also stressed that follow-up and monitoring are the tools used to know the effect of policies and make decisions.

“I already said it before and I repeat it: you do not plan to fail, you fail by not planning ,” said Abinader, while adding that “you also fail if you do not budget for what is planned, if you do not follow up and if what is being executed is not monitored.”

He emphasized that the only intention of the government is to redirect the country on the path of development, institutionality and improve the quality of life of the people after what he considered the “worst crisis faced in decades.”

In this sense, the president indicated that when they came to power, they did so based on a vision of development that denied doing politics in previous years.

“A true vision of change that puts the quality of life of people at the center of public policies, which is the same as at the center of the work of our institutions,” he specified.

The president stressed that to achieve these changes, it is necessary to plan them, and they must be reflected in the budget.

We will achieve it only if we imagine it, plan it, and work together for it … Plan, budget, track, and monitor executions. He concluded that only in this way would we improve people’s quality of life.

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felix the cat
December 8, 2021 4:58 pm

ok Cohelo

December 8, 2021 5:31 pm

Abinader: Bringing Order To Chaos !

Paul Tierney
December 9, 2021 8:50 am

What the President says is correct. Planning against failure makes good sense.

If one is indifferent, having no plans or no cares about attending his auto with routine maintenance, such as tune ups and oil changes, the auto will blow up short of its expected service life. People who plan preventative maintenance for their vehicles, homes, health, and et cetera get more longevity, long term cost savings, and production from their acts.

Last edited 3 years ago by Paul Tierney
December 9, 2021 7:59 pm

Best president ever. Drain the swamp