Local December 13, 2021 | 7:48 am

Police lieutenant plea deals in Coral case


Santo Domingo.- National Police 1st Lt. Jehohanan Rodríguez, wife, and mother of two children of Col. Rafael Núñez de Aza, negotiated with the State and admitted her guilt to avert imprisonment in the Coral 5G corruption case in the Dominican Republic.

And although the Justice Ministry requested pretrial detention for the majority of those subjected for their involvement in the corrupt network, in the hearing last Friday the attorneys requested that this be imposed house arrest, where they will be protected by judicial custodians.

Role of Jehohanan

Jehohanan Rodríguez was deputy in charge of audit of the Specialized Body of Tourism Security (Cestur), where hundreds of checks were issued monthly to as many members for kickbacks.

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Carlos Hernandez
December 13, 2021 9:54 am

NO deal . Do the crime, pay the price.