Local December 22, 2021 | 2:52 pm

Clinics and hospitals full of flu patients

Children with asthmatic symptoms can be more complicated

Influenza A and B virus. Increased hand washing is requested.


Clinics and hospitals in the country register many children and adults arriving at the emergency rooms affected by influenza.

Cases have shot up, confirmed doctors Rafael Mena, president of the National Association of Private Clinics (Andeclip), and the Robert Reid Cabral Hospital director.

However, the disease, typical of the season, affects children and children under 15 years of age and adults, confirmed Dr. Plutarco Arias, president of the Dominican Society of Pneumology.

For the president of the Private Clinics, it is a disease typical of the season. However, due to age or other pathologies, it affects more children and people with compromised organisms.
The covid-19 situation occurs when the health centers have high admissions for dengue and flu in their different classifications.

Most of these patients arrive as emergencies and are admitted depending on whether they have become complicated. However, Mena, a long-time pediatrician, assures that if the children are taken to their doctor in time, they are treated, and it is not necessary to admit them.

The children who become complicated are those with exacerbated asthma and respiratory infections. In addition, parents are advised to be attentive because the country has an active dengue season with at least 24 deaths up to November.

People often wonder if they have covid-19 or the flu, given their discomfort and congestion.
The vaccine.
The Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) has about 450 doses of vaccines for more vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, those in homes, and pregnant women. In addition, some companies have implemented vaccination programs for their workers.

There is no culture of getting vaccinated every year in the Dominican Republic, as required for influenza. Likewise, the country has not developed a primary health care system to guide and assume this type of responsibility.

The specialists ask the population not to self-medicate or take antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription. They also recommend increasing hygiene measures, such as washing their hands and covering their noses when sneezing. Hygiene measures are taken because viruses have a great capacity to spread when the person who is already affected is close to someone with risk factors or has not been infected yet. In addition, viruses are spread by sneezing, so children should not go to school.

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