Local December 23, 2021 | 12:39 pm

Vaguada (moisture trough) will leave rains in much of the country, Meteorology predicts

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Santo Domingo – The National Meteorological Office (ONAMET) reported Thursday that a trough associated with a frontal system over the Wind Channel will be affecting weather conditions from the early hours of the day. Therefore, weak and scattered rains will be observed.

Meteorology highlighted that the rains would have a greater incidence towards the provinces of La Altagracia, La Romana, San Pedro de Macoris, and Greater Santo Domingo. These rains will continue to spread to other areas in the course of the morning and will increase in intensity, generating thunderstorms and wind gusts in the eastern and southeastern provinces of the country.

Meanwhile, as the cold front continues to approach in the afternoon, rains will also increase in other provinces in the interior, especially in the northwest, north, northeast, central mountain range, and the Cibao Valley.

Onamet reported that by the evening hours, the frontal system would continue to generate downpours accompanied by possible thundershowers and isolated wind gusts that will be more noticeable in provinces of the Atlantic coast. These precipitations will continue until early Friday morning, with some weak and scattered showers expected in the early morning hours towards the country’s north.

By tomorrow, Friday (Christmas Eve), the frontal system will begin to weaken. However, it will still provide sufficient conditions for scattered rains to continue in the morning and afternoon over provinces in the north, northeast, southeast (including Greater Santo Domingo), and the central mountain range. These precipitations could become moderate at times and are expected to begin to reduce as the night begins when clear skies will remain over most of the country and rains will be scarcer.

Temperatures will continue to feel pleasant to cool over our territory due to the time of the year and the effects of the frontal system that will affect us from today.

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