Health December 27, 2021 | 12:12 pm

Covid-19: Zero deaths and 478 new cases of infections

The Ministry of Public Health communicated this Tuesday, through bulletin # 648 that yesterday 5,819 samples of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) were processed and that of these  478 cases were positive and no deaths.

The authorities explain that the daily positivity stood at  17.01% , and that of the last four weeks at 4.61.

The country accumulates a total of  4,238 people killed  by the disease since the pandemic began, with a fatality rate of 1.02 percent and mortality per million inhabitants located at  405.61 and 2,928 cases are active  , with  414,704 registered ,  2,146,483 suspected cases discarded  and  407,538 patients recovered from the disease .

The General Directorate of Epidemiology indicates that of the 2,261 COVID beds that the Hospital Network has, 255 are occupied, for 11 percent, of the 585 beds of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) that the system has for patients 71 affected by the disease are employed, which represents 14 percent.

Meanwhile, out of a total of 469 system fans, 64 people are connected, for 14 percent.

In this report, the authorities highlight that a total of 2,561,187 samples have been taken in the Dominican Republic since the pandemic began, equivalent to 245,125 per million people.

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Risk groups

The risk groups continue to be in people who present comorbidities, the official statistical document that collects these data indicates that deaths correspond to 23.93 percent due to hypertension  , while 14.94 percent due to diabetes  .

Similarly, it establishes that 1,588 women in a state of pregnancy affected by the coronavirus are  1,588 , health workers  1,815  and those under 20 years of age  45,874.

The authorities continue their call to the public not to lower their guard against this deadly and variant disease, maintaining hygiene measures and established protocols and getting vaccinated against the disease, as the only way to prevent its spread.

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