Local December 31, 2021 | 10:16 am

Attorney General Miriam Germán Brito sends year-end message

Attorney General Miriam Germán Brito (Photo: Archive)

Santo Domingo.– Attorney General Miriam Germán Brito shared a year-end message to Dominicans in which she expressed that she wishes everyone health, especially to the Public Ministry staff, so that they can enjoy with their family and loved ones.

“At this time I wish that all citizens, and especially each member of the Public Ministry, enjoy good health to enjoy with their loved ones,” said Germán Brito.

Through the Twitter account of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), Germán Brito urged Dominicans to have joy in their hearts.

“May there always be joy in your hearts,” the tweet read.

The message concluded by wishing Dominicans that the New Year 2022 will bring them great achievements. “May 2022 bring you great achievements,” she pointed out.

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