Local January 27, 2022 | 3:07 pm

Outspoken priest wants ‘serious’ probe into forest fire

Santo Domingo.- Outspoken Catholic priest Rogelio Cruz assured this Thursday that it was an “ecological crime” caused by criminal hands the fire at Loma Miranda.

He said that it is noteworthy that the incident originated in the vicinity where a multinational company proposes its exploitation.

“It leads to suspicion that this fire started near the Manaclita, which is Falcondo’s point of interest. I am not accusing anyone, I am just saying that it creates suspicion.”

The religious asked the Environment authorities to carry out an investigation “with consequences.”

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Paul Tierney
January 28, 2022 9:19 am

It is not unusual for suspicious fires to start in coveted locations to make opportunities for interested parties.

Suspicious fires in national parks make opportunity for illegal charcoal producers. Suspicious fires at resorts are opportunity to remodel with insurance covering whole or part of the tab.

It can be observed countrywide here there are very few household fires as compared to fire occurrences in more developed countries. This could be because many RD households do not have insurance. No insurance requires being more careful. When there is a household fire most times the cause is quite obvious.

Some suspicious fires are manufactured opportunities.

Suggest the priest is correct with his statements.

January 28, 2022 3:01 pm

They are creating the fires ?, to steal the land Smfh

Felix Arroyo
January 29, 2022 1:33 am

He is right! We are sick and tired of these attacks against the Dominican environment. We need a government that is jealous of the land and how the land is used. We need a spy agency whose job is to penetrate and disarm the enemies of the Dominican environment.

Don’t count on citizens to do your job. The government must prevent, punish, and deter any attack on the flora, fauna, geology, bodies of water and coastal areas of DR.

How much more damage are you willing to accept before you need to know the type of governance DR has is wrong for a small island with 22.5 million people?

Last edited 2 years ago by Felix Arroyo