Local February 2, 2022 | 3:00 pm

Covid-19 is not gone, but is on the decline

PCR tests have decreased in recent weeks.

Santo Domingo, DR

According to the data registered by the National Health Service (SNS), the hospital centers in Santo Domingo have presented a lower concentration of patients in the Covid-19 Unit in their different premises.

These are the cases of the hospitals Doctor Francisco Moscoso Puello, Doctor Luis Eduardo Aybar, and the Cardio-Neuro-Ophthalmology and Transplant Center (Cecanot), which have had low figures for their admitted and discharged patients.

The hospital network for Covid-19 reports 1,487 beds where there are only 184 in use, in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with several 316 beds available but 94 occupied.

Until yesterday the Moscoso Puello had 11 patients admitted for Covid; in the ICU area, there are three, six in generic internment, and two in the center emergency.

Vaccination and tests
At the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), a security staff member explained that the PCR and antigen testing center located in that academy was closed on January 28 since it will work temporarily.

What will remain normal is the VacúnateRD point. Dr. Arsenia Lugo, the supervisor of this point, declared that “this week the visit of adults in search of inoculating themselves with their third and fourth doses has been the guideline, but the one that predominates is the laying of the third, the one that is most apply are Pfizer and Sinovac.”

The doctor said that pregnant women with less than three months of gestation who decide to carry out their inoculation must be referred by their obstetrician and do not present setbacks in their health. “Only 1% of pregnant women have come to get their vaccines,” said Lugo.

In the case of children between the ages of 12 and 17, two doses of the Pfizer vaccine are applied.

Along the same lines, at the Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center, where both vaccination functions and the nasal swab are also carried out, they continue with their usual functions.

In the words of Dr. Carla Morel, “we have had good attendance, today a little lower than in previous days, but appointments have been made more frequently. The presence of young people has been felt a lot today (yesterday).”

Morel clarified that there are all kinds of services in this vaccination center, from the first to the fourth dose of the biologicals used to prevent the coronavirus that causes the Covid-19 disease.

The virus broke out in China in December 2019 and then spread to Asia, Europe, America, and Africa, leaving millions infected and dead. The first case in the Dominican Republic was detected on March 1, 2020.

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John Conor
February 2, 2022 3:11 pm

Hey! Pssiiiiiiit…
