Local February 9, 2022 | 10:48 am

Operation Falcon case suspects stay in jail

Santiago.- The Judicial Office of the Permanent Attention Services upheld 18 months of pretrial detention against one of those involved in the Operation Falcon case, dismantled by the Justice Ministry.

Considering the invariability of the arguments, Judge Yiberty Polanco ratified the ruling against Kelvin Torres Bueno (el Toro), who, according to the Justice Ministry, acted as figurehead of the organization, managing millionaire assets accumulated by the criminal group, as a result of its activities that include money laundering for drug trafficking, among other crimes.

Prosecutors Pedro Martínez and Yeny Liranzo stated in court that Torres Bueno was part of the criminal network through which he moved large amounts of money.

The Justice Ministry also maintained that the danger of flight remains, since preventive detention is the most suitable to guarantee the presence of Torres Bueno in the continuity of the process

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