Local February 11, 2022 | 12:52 pm

First Lady tackles child marriage, teen pregnancy in Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- The Cabinet for Children and Adolescents and the National Council for Children and Adolescents (Conani) began this Thursday the implementation of the Prevention and Care Policy for Early Unions and Adolescent Pregnancy (PPA) in the Dominican Republic.

During a meeting, held in the Renée Klang de Guzmán room of the Conani National Office, the action plans of the Cabinet institutions for the institutional response to fulfilling the responsibilities framed in the Policy were presented, among which tables of joint work.

The first lady Raquel Arbaje, in her capacity as president of the Cabinet for Children and Adolescents, explained that when eradicating early unions and preventing and reducing teenage pregnancy was proposed, the main purpose was to prevent a type of relationship that threatens the future 48 percent of the Dominican population, who today are between zero and 24 years old.

“This society and those who have led it before have failed them enough,” Arbaje said

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February 11, 2022 9:43 pm

Solo pantalla, me gustaría que trimestralmente exponga los logros con estadísticas reales de lo que habla de ese proyecto que solo es pantalla.

February 12, 2022 11:30 am

Let Dominican women reproduce who cares (we need more of us, we’re on the path to extinction in DR), the REAL Issue is all of the haitian baby mommys popping babies like there’s no tomorrow.