Health February 16, 2022 | 4:14 pm

Five provinces have high Covid positivity

Santo Domingo, DR

Although the general positivity of the Covid-19 virus is at 11.20% at the national level in the last four weeks, during that period, at least five provinces maintain that indicator above 20%.

Santiago Rodríguez records the highest positivity with 29.09% positivity in the processed samples; Monte Cristi with 27.65%; San José de Ocoa with 23.81%; Dajabón with 22.78% and Espaillat with 21.08%. La Vega is at 19.03%. Meanwhile, demarcations that have traditionally been the ones with the highest positivity and incidence due to population density, show lower values ​​in recent weeks, such as Santo Domingo, which registers 10.66% daily positivity; Santiago with 14.55%, and the National District with 15.06%. Yesterday the country reported two new deaths from Covid-19 and 534 new positive cases captured in the last 24 hours. Six thousand one hundred seventeen laboratory samples were processed, of which 534 were positive for a daily positivity of 14.07% and accumulated positivity for the last four weeks of 11.20.

The epidemiological bulletin number 698 reported that in the Covid-19 hospital network, the Hospital Network had 201 patients admitted yesterday with the disease for 8% bed occupancy; 73 patients remained in intensive care for a 12% occupancy, and there were 47 patients under ventilation, equivalent to an occupancy of 10% of the ventilators enabled for patients with Covid-19.

They come from Haiti.
While in the Dominican Republic, hospital occupations are reduced due to Covid-19 and its variants such as Omicron, in Haiti, the problem is getting worse, said Haitians consulted at the Dajabón border.

This motivates many Haitians to try to enter Dominican territory in search of medical attention specialized in the treatment of the virus.

Social activist Michael Francois said that because health centers are overcrowded with patients and there are no beds, many of his compatriots try to enter the Dominican Republic in any way to treat their ailments, which have worsened with the increase in cases of Covid, flu, and respiratory conditions.

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