Masks: People still use them

Public Health recommends continuing the use of masks.
Santo Domingo, DR
The Ministry of Public Health issued a resolution that maintains the national territory in an epidemic state due to the Covid-19 pandemic and therefore recommends “the use of masks in public and private, open, closed and closed spaces.”
In addition, Public Health recommends the use of masks, especially in people suffering from immunosuppressive diseases such as HIV, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and those who live in close contact with such patients.
It also establishes that “it will be mandatory” the use of masks in mass passenger transportation services and “in public and private health centers.”
Resolution 0008-22, released last night by the Presidency of the Republic, states that the presentation of a vaccination card to enter public or private spaces is eliminated.
Likewise, it informs that the vaccination scheme is maintained for people over 18 years of age with three doses interspersed at the established times.
“It is recommended to avoid crowds, mass events, continue frequent hand washing, use of disinfectant gels and respect the physical distance,” says the Resolution.
It also recommends the population be attentive to possible sources of Covid infection in their daily activities.
Mask use continues
Yesterday, users of public transport such as cars, buses, and subway stations, most people continued to comply with the measures against the virus.
This was evidenced in the subway station, Centro de los Heroes, where despite not demanding vaccination cards or the obligatory use of masks, the service users continue to comply with the measures.
“With all due respect, I am not interested in what Abinader says; salvation is my own and I have had two deaths in my family because of this virus, I do not take off my mask,” said Eusebio Paniagua with confidence, who was using the subway services.
No masks for the those who die of car related incidents 11 on average daily .okay understood .So more deaths without restrictions loss of jobs homes finances .Now i understand the insult to intelligence for doing our own reserach which is backed by facts
Excellent! Continue with the mask and social distance!