Local February 23, 2022 | 4:01 pm

Trough in Puerto Rico will cause rain in the Dominican Republic

Rainfall will be felt after noon ( DIARILY LIBRE/FILE )

The National Meteorology Office ( Onamet ) warns this Wednesday that a trough located northeast of Puerto Rico will be generating moisture drag towards the territory of the Dominican Republic.

Given this phenomenon, rains could occur after noon towards towns in the northeast, southeast, and areas of Greater Santo Domingo.

According to information from the agency, tomorrow through Friday, the fields of humidity caused by the wind from the east and northeast will persist, combining with the instability that the trough will bring, to “especially favor local downpours in the afternoon with isolated thunderstorms and gusts of wind at times to the northeast, southeast (including Greater Santo Domingo), and the Central Cordillera.”

The entity recommends that the fragile vessels on the Atlantic coast navigate with caution near the coastal perimeter without venturing out to sea due to wind and abnormal waves.

In addition, it indicates that the temperatures will continue to be cool and pleasant due to the wind coming from the northeast and the time of year.

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