Local February 24, 2022 | 7:39 am

Dominican Republic heightens protection of street kids

Santo Domingo.- The Cabinet for Children and Adolescents (GANA) and the National Council for Children and Adolescents (Conani) presented a pilot plan for comprehensive care and monitoring of children and adolescents in street situations with the aim of guaranteeing this vulnerable population their fundamental rights.

Vice president Raquel Peña, explained that the Intervention Model for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (NNA) in a Situation of Street and Mobility in Public Spaces has been agreed with the 15 institutions that make up the cabinet that she presides, and specific roles were assigned to them.

With the representatives of each one of them, the Operational Technical Unit (UTO) has been constituted, which will be in charge of its execution.

Each of the entities has carried out a series of training sessions so that, far from being an operation to remove children and adolescents from the streets, it’s a comprehensive response, according to Ana Cecilia Morun, president of Conani.

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