Health February 25, 2022 | 2:35 pm

Vaccination forbidden to be discussed with journalists

Vaccination in the country goes down every day.

Santo Domingo, DR
After a tour of the different vaccination points in Santo Domingo, the health personnel present confirmed that they had been forbidden to offer statements to the press at a time when the vaccination against Covid-19 had fallen to its lowest point.

When a team from Listín Diario made the necessary approach to verify the vaccination flow and keep the population informed, they received a definite answer from those in charge, who revealed that “we are forbidden to give statements to the press.”

The only person who agreed to talk to this media was Arsenia Lugo, who is the representative of Vacúnate RD, located at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), inside the Tejada Florentino Medical Clinic, who declared that “we are waiting for the users to continue vaccinating, the rate has dropped a lot, this week the process has been very weak.”

What can be observed is how the assistance for administering the corresponding doses against the coronavirus continues to decrease. This is because these sites are only staffed with nurses, doctors, and customer service personnel, who are alert to anyone who walks through their doors.

The vaccination sites of the Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center, the Ministry of Public Health, and the UASD looked practically empty yesterday, with chairs without people and without the usual noise generated by the presence of people interested in getting inoculated against the new coronavirus.

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February 25, 2022 5:53 pm

Covid numbers have almost hit rock bottom and these people are still worried about vaccinations figures going down…the covidian cult lives on…