Local March 17, 2022 | 2:38 pm

They let them live in their homes and then they didn’t want to leave

Rents generate many conflicts.

Many homeowners and other property owners report that they have left families living in their homes without payment.


Santiago, DR
Many citizens, mainly residents abroad, are having conflicts, even going to court, with people they trusted and left under the care of their homes because they did not want to rent them due to negative experiences they have faced in the past.

Many owners of houses and other properties tell that they have left families living in their homes without payment. Apart from that, they assume water and electricity expenses, except for the cable services, because it is already personal.

However, if there are residential telephones in the property in the owners’ name, it is up to them to pay the rates sent to them by the telephone companies.

Those affected said that the trauma they have lived through and are still living through is dreadful, tedious, and stressful, even creating depression, anguish, and anxiety for many of them.

“I remember that 12 years ago, together with my husband and my three children, we went to live abroad and so that the house would not be left alone, we gave it to a man who at that time had three children and his partner,” said Josefina Amarante, an accountant. She also said that she and her husband were responsible for paying the water, electricity, and residential telephone rates. They even sent her clothes and sometimes money and helped the couple’s children in their studies.

The drama
The drama began when she and her husband decided to return to the country two years ago, but her children preferred to stay in the United States.

They talked to the couple living for free in their house and told her that they would reoccupy their home, help her look for a rented house, and assume the payment of the deposit and the three months in advance.

“The man told us that it was crazy that we were going back, that those 12 years shouldn’t leave them lost and that we have to look for their benefits,” she specified.

The lady says that the individual looked for a lawyer and sued them in labor matters, claiming that he had 15 years working as security in their house.

Payment of money
They added three more years to the 12 years he had been living for free.

He stressed that after negotiations, they were given 400,000 pesos to leave the house so that they could reoccupy it.

“It was something tedious, horrible, but it serves us as an experience, another time we decide to live outside the country, if it is not a close relative, we prefer that the house falls down, but we do not give it to anyone else to live in and we do not rent it either,” he emphasized.

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March 17, 2022 2:53 pm

“The man told us that it was crazy that we were going back, that those 12 years shouldn’t leave them lost and that we have to look for their benefits,” she specified.
The lady says that the individual looked for a lawyer and sued them in labor matters, claiming that he had 15 years working as security in their house.

People should be careful about hiring people under the table. they can come around and clain they did not recived payment.