Local March 19, 2022 | 9:44 am

Vaccination against the virus registers low attendance

Santo Domingo, DR
The different vaccination centers against the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 in Greater Santo Domingo have seen minimal flows of people in search of being inoculated with their respective doses.

The Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center, a vital collection hub where people made long queues from the early hours of the morning to date, no longer even has the large tent installed to shelter the attendees from the relentless tropical sun.

In Santo Socorro, there are similar scenes; as of yesterday, only 18 people had been vaccinated, of which there were two children.

“It is incredible how adults were among the first to receive their vaccine; there are still people at this age who come looking for their first dose,” said one of the health personnel in dismay.

The vaccination center against Covid-19 in the Francisco Moscoso Puello hospital officially no longer exists in the hospital facilities.

Covid-19 broke out in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, in December 2019 and quickly spread to other countries in Asia, Europe, America, and then Africa, leaving millions of infected and deaths around the world.

In the Dominican Republic, vaccination against Covid began on February 17, 2021.

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