Local March 25, 2022 | 8:37 am

Suspects in major trafficking bust face judge today

Santo Domingo.- The seven people accused of money laundering from drug trafficking and arrested as part of Operation FM will be brought to justice this Friday.

The Justice Ministry requests that the group be placed in pretrial detention due to the alleged flight risk and the links to crime that some of the detainees have.

As part of the alleged network, Juan Gabriel Pérez Tejada, who is the alleged ringleader; It also includes Anabel Altagracia Sánchez Santana, former official Juan Isidro Pérez de la Rosa, Rolando Miguel Reyes Javier, Dyna Madison Noguera Polanco, Ramluis Mejía Azcona and former official Gladis Sofía Azcona de la Cruz.

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Paul Tierney
March 25, 2022 11:53 am

Just a note; convicted drug traffickers in China are given lethal injections or a bullet in the back of the head.