Local April 3, 2022 | 10:59 am

There are more women workers in the construction sector

According to data from the National Statistics Office (ONE), the participation of women in the workforce is diverse. Of every ten women hired in the sector, seven occupy managerial, professional, and technical positions in the industry, according to the Dominican Association of Home Builders and Developers (Acoprovi).

During “Women who build,” the guild also highlighted that 2% of the women hired are related to activities related to the finishing and supervision of the projects. “These figures show that nowadays the segment is not only for men and that women are increasingly gaining greater participation,” Acoprovi said in a press release.

As part of the reflections shared at the event, Acoprovi pointed out that, although these are the first steps forward, it is important to continue motivating women -from an early age- to bet on careers such as engineering or architecture “because, culturally, these specializations are still associated with the male universe.”

“Proof of this is that, at present, male engineering students represent 77% of the total number of students by the end of 2021,” the guild indicated based on university data.

Jorge Montalvo, president of Acoprovi, emphasized, “Increasing the number of hires in the construction sector is a challenge that concerns us all, since 10 percent of women represented the hired workforce in the sector.”

Clearly,” she added, “as a society, we still have pending tasks to generate an environment where women have better incentives and benefits.”

She added that the sector needs to offer the necessary mechanisms to guarantee safety and health in the work environment.

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