Local April 11, 2022 | 8:01 am

Let them chase me, Abinader mocks the opposition

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader this Sunday visited Sabana Perdida in the municipality of Santo Domingo Norte, where he announced multiple works and solutions for the citizens, among which the construction of five police precincts, the design of a Palace of Justice and a community center.

Since he began his government, the president made numerous promises, which has led the opposition to question his fulfillment in just four years. This is why, before dozens of representatives of the agricultural sector, Abinader challenged his opponents to follow up on the performance of his mandate.

“They say, ‘Abinader is announcing works and he is not going to do them,’ let them chase me,” was one of the president’s phrases that received a standing ovation from those present at the local Isidro Torres de Sabana Perdida, where a few took advantage the applause to launch re-electionist slogans: “4 more.”

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April 11, 2022 6:38 pm

4 more years. End corruption now provide for the people