Local April 15, 2022 | 12:33 pm

COE reports four deaths in first bulletin

Santo Domingo.- As part of the Awareness for Life Easter Week operation 2022, the first bulletin issued by the Emergency Operations Center (COE) Friday reported three traffic accident fatalities and one death by drowning.

In a press conference, COE director, Juan Manuel Méndez informed that 41 traffic accidents have been recorded with 49 people affected.

He added that 26 of these accidents involved motorcycles, 11 light vehicles, and three pedestrians. According to Méndez, 23 of these accidents were on highways and roads and 18 in urban areas.

According to the report, so far 46 people have been treated for alcohol poisoning, three of whom were minors between the ages of 15 and 16.

In addition, 20 people have been treated for food poisoning. He informed that 2,143 road traffic assistance services were provided; 469 medical assistance services were provided; one person was rescued from a river and a child who went missing on the beach at Boca Chica was found and returned to his parents.

He concluded by saying that 63 heavy vehicles were detained for driving without a permit.

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