Local April 18, 2022 | 5:54 pm

COE reports 34 people died during the Easter holiday

General Juan Manuel Mendez Garcia. ( DANIA ACEVEDO. )

25 died in traffic accidents and nine by drowning


The Holy Week holiday ended with 34 deaths, 25 of them due to traffic accidents and nine due to drowning, according to what the Emergency Operations Center ( COE ) reported on Monday.

The director of the COE , Juan Manuel Méndez García, when announcing the final bulletin of the preventive operation “Awareness for Life 2022”, indicated that a total of 187 traffic accidents were recorded during the day, in which 257 people were affected. .

Of the 187 traffic accidents, 140 corresponded to motorcycles, in which 18 people died .

Méndez García was alarmed when stating that 28 of the 547 reports of alcohol intoxication correspond to minors between two and 17 years old.                                         

He said that he would deliver the corresponding list to the authorities so that they proceed accordingly with the parents of the minors.                     

He specified that the displacement during Holy Week exceeded five million people and that the operation provided assistance to 12,681 citizens. Of the assistance to the public, 10,455 were vials; 2,138 female doctors, 53 rescues on the high seas and resorts, and 35 minors who got lost and were handed over to their parents.                                                   

At a press conference, he explained that of the traffic accidents, 33 involved light vehicles, four heavy vehicles, a bicycle, and there were 12 runovers.   

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