Local April 26, 2022 | 9:01 am

Dominican ex Police chief with dark past returns

Santo Domingo.- After understanding that crimes are becoming more frequent in Santo Domingo Norte, residents in various sectors of that demarcation applauded the appointment of former National Police chief Pedro de Jesús Candelier.

He’ll be at the forefront of municipal security policies, while other citizens express their reservations.

The announcement was made by Mayor Carlos Guzmán, who stated that with the measure he seeks to reduce crime levels in the Municipality.

During his tenures as Forestry Director and later as Police Chief, the controversial general officer was accused of ordering extrajudicial executions in the guise of “exchange of gunfire.”

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Paul Tierney
April 26, 2022 9:54 am

Back to heavy handed police activities. This man is a piece of work.

Can we expect more visits by politicians and national police directors to families of victims of police violence?