Local April 29, 2022 | 11:42 am

Builders urge the Gov. to drive down costs

Santo Domingo.- Several organizations from the construction sector asked the Government to eliminate the current anti-dumping measures, for a period of six months, in order to achieve lower prices in the market.

In addition, they asked to create the conditions to promote access to financing facilities for developers of real estate projects and mortgage loans, at low interest rates, for purchasers of new homes.

Through a statement, the Dominican associations of Housing Builders and Promoters (Acoprovi), and Cibao Home Builders and Promoters (Aprocovici), as well as the Dominican Chamber of Construction (Cadocon), proposed this Thursday to study together with the authorities, the feasibility of these proposals.

“We understand prudently, and with the highest urgency, the revision of the current calculation of tariffs and Itbis tax on raw materials and finished construction products, taking as a parameter the price of pre-pandemic freight.”

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