Local April 29, 2022 | 9:26 am

Defense denies plea bargaining with Dominican ‘Abuser’

Santo Domingo.-  Joaquín Pérez, lawyer for César Emilio Peralta, a Dominican accused of drug trafficking in Puerto Rico and Miami, reported that no proposal has been made to his client to plead guilty.

On Thursday Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Día published that the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of Puerto Rico offered an agreement to who is also known as “César El Abusador” to plead guilty to the charges against him.

“The prosecutor did say that he was going to study making an offer,” Pérez told Listín Diario journalists, explaining that a proposal to plead guilty was not made.

Likewise, Pérez added that the court minutes indicate that the government has been in communication with both parties and that they would make offers or negotiations in the future.

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Paul Tierney
April 29, 2022 10:12 am

It could be a ploy by the authorities to use the media to “suggest” an agreement is in the works for El Abusador. This would place him in a uncomfortable position of traffickers thinking he is giving up information for leniency, a position that would make him a hit target. Thus, as a result of the uneasiness his reasoning may be it is best to spill the beans to trade for less time in a secure prison environment. He gets security, the authorities get information,