Local May 24, 2022 | 2:05 pm

Carina asks for help to carry out a study for her son with multiple disabilities

Carina Valdez, mother of Jesus. Photo: SE| Listin Diario

Santo Domingo, DR

Carina Valdez couldn’t get the words out… she paused when she finished a sentence, and her eyes filled with tears sitting in a white plastic chair.

It was difficult for him to talk about the difficult situation he faces with his son Jesús Valdez, who suffers from multiple disabilities (Deafblindness, speech and language disorder due to the same condition, and autism) and currently needs an MRI.

“It makes me sad to talk about the situation that one lives every day, especially mothers who have children with disabilities. Sometimes one with our children wants to hide, but it is not good because God gives them to one for something. I make a lot of effort with my son even though I don’t work, because I can’t and don’t have anyone to take care of him”, were the first words that came out of the heart of this mother who has taken on alone and together with her father, who tries to help her when he can, the multiple challenges of Jesus.

Carina, who lives in the Valiente sector (Kilometer 23 of the Americas), explained that Jesús’s MRI is part of a set of studies for a diagnosis, and she does not have the resources to perform it due to the high cost of the anesthesiologist who needs his son for his multiple conditions.

“Here you go to a clinic, and if you don’t have RD$10,000 to pay for anesthesia for a child like my son, you’re not going to do it, and you’re not going to know what he really has… That makes me very angry. There should be more help and support for people with disabilities. I didn’t choose to be a single mother,” she said helplessly as she wiped her tears with paper.

Jesús is also attending school only two days a week. However, Carina takes him when she can because of his situation.

“Before I could bring it every day, but not anymore. I calculated to bring it every day and I spend more than twelve thousand pesos a month. I do not work to spend that per month,” she indicated.

From Kilometer 23 of Las Américas, you must take taxis to get there because “it is strong, very strong and difficult to use public transport.”

“It makes me very powerless because I have to ask many times for a ticket to take my son to the doctor or to feed him when I don’t have any or when my father can’t,” he says of his situation.

Carina loves him and is proud of him.

“He fills me with great joy.When I feel like I’m going to collapse, he picks me up,” said Carina about her 10-year-old son.

Jesús is a very affectionate boy, and he shows it to her in his way every day with his hugs; he starts to smell her and gives her kisses.

Carina stated that all the medical and educational efforts she makes for him are worth it because, little by little, her son shows progress.

“What makes me most proud is that the effort is worth it. I thought that my son was not going to save… he was born extremely small and look how old he is and how big he is. My effort is worth it. That has made me stronger and more eager to continue fighting. I ask God to help me a lot and I do not lose hope that my son will speak, “he said.

Communication system

Jesus’ communication system is based on touch and speaking closely into his ear.

Carina places her son’s hand on her throat, and he feels the vibrations of her voice and interprets them.

“I speak in his ear and use my hands. I say to him: Jesus, how are you? and he feels the vibration,” she explained as she recounted that he taught him to brush himself and put on his clothes.

“My son knows how to order food… he tells me: Rice, food! and water,” Carina told reporters from Listin Diario.

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