Now Covid-19 mostly attacks people under 20 years of age
Since March, 44% of the contagions affect young people
An increase in the registration of positive cases of Covid-19 has the country since last March eight to date, starting from the onset of symptoms, with those under 20 years of age having contributed 44% of them.
This was reported yesterday by the Ministry of Public Health authorities, who pointed out that this is not a worrying situation but that it deserves attention. Hence, they called on the population to activate protection measures and complete their vaccination schemes.
Dr. Ronald Skewes, director of Epidemiology, said that despite the slight increase in virus cases, 66 percent of the country’s municipalities had not presented active cases in the last two weeks, and the seven-day incidence remains below 10 per 100,000 inhabitants.
In the last 24 hours, the country reported 222 new positive cases of the Covid-19 virus, detected in 4,562 processed samples, of which 3,857 were PCR tests and 705 antigenic tests.
The daily positivity was placed yesterday at 6.56% and that of the last four weeks at 2.57%, both indicators on the rise.
The active virus cases registered in the country total 1,072, and the patients hospitalized in regular beds rose to 40, plus four in intensive care.
Covid is a smart virus for dumb people…