Local June 27, 2022 | 2:59 pm

Citizens do not see positive results in patrols

Population says they only patrol during the day. JORGE CRUZ/ RHP

Santo Domingo, DR

The permanent or partial circulation of motorized vehicles of the police and military forces that make up the mixed patrol are not actions that the residents of some sectors of Santo Domingo question; however, the scope and effectiveness of these operations have fallen short of the expectations of the population.

In sectors such as Los Guandules, La Ciénaga, and Guachupita, all bordering the Ozama River and listed in the category of what are popularly called “hot neighborhoods,” their residents say they are witnesses to the increase in uniformed personnel on the streets, but also to criminal acts. In their communities.

“Here the minors are ending… This week they robbed about five right there,” said Freddy Méndez while trying to guide the scene of the crimes with his hands.

This number of assaults was a typical response among others consulted in La Ciénaga, where some even pointed out higher numbers of crimes in the week.

Regarding where the crimes are carried out, the merchant pointed out that it is alley ten and La Gloria, where “you cannot even walk at any time” without risking being a new victim of assault.

Méndez stated that they have arrested the alleged criminals but that since they are minors, “they release them at once.”

He also said that one of them was shot, and after recovering, he quickly returned to criminal activities.

“The police have to resolve,” he emphasized with notable annoyance.

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Paul Tierney
June 27, 2022 5:23 pm

Arrests and convictions will provide the positive results the people want.

Felix Arroyo
June 28, 2022 10:06 pm

Antisocial acts are like water: You press it in one location, and it will rise in another location but you can never tame it like water (incompressible)!