Audit reveals ex-Prosecutor’s hijinks

Santo Domingo.- The budget established for investment in 31 projects contemplated by the Humanization Plan of the Dominican Penitentiary System increased by 5.13% only with the delivery of 12 of these works, going from 8,097,616,276 pesos to 8,535,985,106 pesos.
The statement is made by the Chamber of Accounts in its report on the investigation carried out on this plan, presented in October 2018 by the then-Attorney General of the Republic, Jean Alain Rodríguez, at the request of the Specialized Attorney for the Persecution of Administrative Corruption. (Pepca).
According to the document, released in its extended version this Wednesday, the increase was due to various irregularities, among which are “various changes in the original design, increase in volume, new items, unforeseen events, absence of basic studies and additional works.
The hijinks were business as usual, not uncommon. Suspect everyone was getting their cut of the action. So, let things be.